Printer's Hill: Progress or Pandora's Box? Residents React to Potential Development

Excitement and skepticism intertwined on the evening of January 4th when the potential development titled Printer's Hill was unveiled to residents. Neighbors from Knob Hill, Hillside, Eastlake/K-Land, and Boulder Park packed the downtown venue, eager to glimpse the future of the property at Pikes Peak and Union currently known by its original designation – Union Printers Home. Developers are dazzled with glossy pictures, project timelines, and promises of vibrant shops, green spaces, and modern apartments.

CONO co-hosted the event in part to encourage engagement from neighborhood leaders being cultivated in the area. Many of the residents who did attend the meeting were graduates of Neighborhood University looking to put their skills to use.

The evening was beautifully orchestrated by the development group. Excitement about the revitalization project's potential to inject life into the nearby neighborhood was clear as residents provided real-time reactions to questions posed. Yet, murmurs of concern soon started weaving through the air. Some residents, while intrigued by the vision, voiced apprehension about the project's sheer scale. Would Printer's Hill's towering presence overwhelm their quaint, low-rise community? Would it lead to increased traffic and strain local infrastructure?

As the presentation concluded, a palpable excitement hung in the air. Printer's Hill, it seemed, had ignited a spark of both hope and trepidation in the hearts of residents. Only time will tell if the grand vision meets the community's aspirations, or if it crumbles under the weight of its ambition. One thing's for sure: Printer's Hill's story has just begun, and the neighborhood is watching with bated breath.


CONO Helps Neighbors Establish Neighborhood Resiliency


2023 CONO Annual Report